Friday, November 29, 2013

why i love my agenda

I thought of calling this post "why you need an agenda" but I'll let you make your own decisions. I know that my phone and computer can keep my calendar, and can colour-code it as well but I just prefer having a hard copy of it. I can't explain it, but it helps me stay organized and I need it. 

Those who use a paper agenda, they know that the selection of the agenda is a huge deal. You make a commitment to a way of life for a year. A bad agenda can spell disaster. I'm usually weary of buying one online because I like to get a feel for it but I couldn't find one that I liked. I've seen reviews for some pricey agendas online, which I wouldn't mind too much except the shipping was almost just as much and I just couldn't justify that. But regardless, this year, I took the plunge and purchased one online from Etsy. This came from a shop in Lithuania (of all places) and I was really impressed with my first Etsy purchase from The Big Calendar. I purchased it on the 20th and it arrived today and the shipping wasn't too expensive (it was actually cheaper than some of the shops in the states!). The shop I purchased from had a number of covers to choose from. The only thing I would have preferred for the cover is that it was a little more rigid. The agenda was $24 USD and shipping was $8.65 USD. 

I use my agenda for everything- personal, school, blogging, work and money. I also started colour-coding, circling everything in specific colours. I would prefer an agenda with a full month view, it's hard to find so I'm getting used to just the days. I don't need a page for each day I find it a bit much. I also don't need the times, my agenda is mostly for reminders and planning, like parts of an assignment or blog posts. This calendar also had notes on a few days each week, some of them were holidays and some were just funny little notes, like "Vegan Friday". I'm not sure if that is actually a thing but it could be and maybe that Friday, I'll eat vegan. Probably not, but maybe. 

I know that the paper agenda is not for everyone but neither is the electronic calendaring. I know a number of my friends have decided to go to paper in 2014 because I've been fairly successful with mine. People know that I don't commit to any plans without having my book. I love the way I can visualize my tasks and the satisfaction of crossing things out when they're completed with my red pen. I find with the electronic versions, things don't get updated, things go missing, and it's hard to keep track of all my calendars efficiently. If you feel like you've struggled with staying organized and want to make it better in 2014, I would recommend buying a paper agenda. You don't need the most expensive one to figure out what works for you. Even though I will start writing in mine tomorrow, you can wait until they all go on sale in the first week of January. 

Stay organized, my friends. 

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for the review! It was really useful to read all the comments you made! Thank you again ;)
    TheBigCalendar team
